Yun-Liang Li


Address: Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
      Zhongguancun Nansanjie No. 8
      P.O. Box 603-36
      Beijing 100080, China

Tel: 86-010-82649017



2004 Ph. D. , Chemistry, the University of Hong Kong, China


2013 - present Professor, Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

2004-2013 Worked at the University of Toronto, Canada,Johann Wolfgang Goethe University (Germany), Tulane university (USA), University of Iowa (USA), Rice University (USA).

Research Interests:

In view of the limitations and uncertainties of traditional one-dimensional spectroscopy in the detection of molecular structure and dynamic behavior, a variety of multidimensional ultrafast spectroscopy techniques (including two-dimensional five-level Raman spectroscopy, two-dimensional infrared spectroscopy, two-dimensional transient infrared spectroscopy, and divillaman stimulated radiation spectroscopy) are used to detect molecular functional structure at the molecular level and in the ultrafast time range (femtosecond-picosecond). Microscopic study of the dynamics of intramolecular and intermolecular interactions with ultra-high spatiotemporal resolution.


yle="line-height:150%">[1] M. Werkmeister, Yun-Liang LI , E. B. Lerch, Damien Bigouar, J, Bredenbeck, Ultrafast Hopping from Band to Band: Assigning Infrared Spectra based on Vibrational Energy Transfer, Angew. Chem.Int. Ed. 52, 1-5 (2013).

[2] Lili Du,Xiting Zhang, Jiadan Xue, WenJian Tang, Ming-De Li, Xin Lan,Jiangrui Zhu,Ruixue Zhu, Yuxiang Weng Yun-Liang Li,*,and David Lee Phillips*, Influence of Water in the Photogeneration and Properties of a Bifunctional Quinone Methide, J. Phys. Chem. B 120 ,43(2016).

[3] Zhang jia,Wang li,Zhang jin,Zhu jiang rui, Pan xin,Wang jiangyun*,Fang weihai*,Li yunliang*,Identifying and modulating accidental fermi resonance: 2D IR and DFT study of 4-azido-l-phenylalanine, J.Phys.Chem.B, 122 (34) :8122-8133(2019).

[4] Wangwei Chen, Juanjuan Qi,Chao Dong, iuyuan Zhao, Junwei Chen, Shangfeng Yang, Tao Chen, Chong Chen*, Yunliang Li*, Ming De Li *, Mingtai Wang*, Solution-processed in-situ growth of CuInS2 nanoparticle films for efficient planar heterojunction solar cells with a dual nature of chargegeneration, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2:5231-5232(2019).

[5] Kang Wang, Yujun Xie, Ming Liu, Wei Tao, Hao Zhang, Meidong Huang, Jinmao You,Ying Liu, Yunliang Li,* Zhen Li,* and Yong Qiang Dong* High-Contrast Polymorphic Luminogen Formed through Effect of Tiny Differences in Intermolecular Interactions on the Intramolecular Charge Transfer Process,Adv.Optical.Mater.,2000436(1-10)(2020).

[6] Qingxin Guo, Yahui Liu, Ming Liu,Hao Zhang, Xiquan Qian; Jinjin Yang; Jing Wang, Wenyue Xue; QianZhao,Xinjun Xu*, Wei Ma, Zheng Tang, Yunliang Li*, Zhishan Bo*, Enhancing the Performance of Organic Solar Cells by Prolonging the Lifetime of Photogenerated Excitons. Advanced materials, 2003164(1-10)(2020).

[7] Li Wang,Jia Zhang,Ming-Jie Han, Lu Zhang, Chao Chen, Aiping Huang, Ruipei Xie, Guosheng Wang, Jiangrui Zhu, Yuchuan Wang, Xiaohong Liu*, Wei Zhuang*, Yunliang Li*, Jiangyun Wang*,A genetically encoded two dimensional infrared probe for enzyme active-site dynamics,Angew.Chem.Int.Ed. (2021).

[8] Jiangrui Zhu, Juanjuang Wang, Guosheng Wang, Jia Zhang, Wei Tao, Chang Liu, Ming Liu, Hao Zhang,Ruipei Xie, Fangfu Ye, Ying Liu, Weihai Fang,*Xuebo Chen,* and Yunliang Li* Precise Identification of the Dimethyl Sulfoxide Triggered Tricarbonyldichlororuthenium(II) Dimer for Releasing CO. J.Phys.Chem.Lett. ,12, 4658−4665(2021).

[9] Liangliang Wu, Yu Fang, Wanlong Zuo, Juanjuan Wang, Ju Wang, Shufeng Wang, Zhifeng Cui,Weihai Fang, Hao-Ling Sun*, Yunliang Li*,and Xuebo Chen*, Excited-State Dynamics of Crossing-Controlled Energy Transfer in Europium Complexes,JACS Au 2, 4, 853–864(2022).

[10] Yihong Gao, Hongxiong Liu,Fengxia Hu*,Hongyan Song,Hao Zhang,Jiazheng Hao, Xingzheng Liu,Zibing Yu,Feiran Shen,Yangxin Wang,Houbo Zhou,Bingjie Wang,Zhengying Tian,Yuan Lin,Cheng Zhang,Zhuo Yin,Jing Wang*,Yunzhong Chen,Yunliang Li*,Youting Song,Youguo Shi,Tongyun Zhao,Jirong Sun,Qingzhen Huang,Baogen Shen*,Reversible colossal barocaloric effect dominated by disordering of organic chains in (CH3–(CH2)n−1 –NH3)2MnCl4 single crystals,NPG Asia Materials14:34(2022).

[11] Zibing Yu, Houbo Zhou, Fengxia Hu*, Chang Liu, Shuaikang Yuan, Donghui Wang, Jiazheng Hao, Yihong Gao, Yangxin Wang, Bingjie Wang, Zhengying Tian, Yuan Lin, Cheng Zhang, Zhuo Yin, Jing Wang*, Yunzhong Chen, Yunliang Li*, Jirong Sun, Tongyun Zhao & Baogen Shen* ,Colossal barocaloric effect achieved by exploiting the amorphous high entropy of solidified polyethylene glycol,NPG Asia Materials 14:96(2022).

[12] Shuting Wang,Jianshu Gao,Fuqi Lu,Fang Wang,Zhongyuan You,Meidong Huang , Weihai Fang* ,Xiufeng Liu* ,Yunliang Li*, Ying Liu *,Human motion recognition by a shoes-floor triboelectric nanogenerator and its application in fall detection ,Nano Energy,108,108230(2023).

[13] Shunye Gao et al., Discovery of a single-band Mott insulator in a van der Waals flat-band compound,Physical Review X 13, 041049 (2023).

[14] L Zhang, etc, Multi-Component Lithiophilic Alloy Film Modified Cu Current Collector for Long-Life Lithium Metal Batteries by a Novel FCVA Co-Deposition System,Small,202402752(1-12),(2024)

[15] LH Li, etc, Cholic acid tuning the binary surfactant system for one-step separation of the enantiomers of (5, 4) carbon nanotubes,Carbon, 222,119000,(2024).

[16] Xiao Li, et al., Order of magnitude improvement in the transport performance of carbon nanotube films by completely removing surfactants, Carbon,218,118750,(2024).

[17] Xinyi Xue, et al., Giant Photon-drag-induced Ultrafast Photocurrent in Diamond for Nonlinear Photonics, Laser & Photonics Reviews,2301146(1-10) (2024).

[18] Gao, YH, et al.,Low pressure reversibly driving colossal barocaloric effect in two-dimensional vdW alkylammonium halides, Nat Commun 15, 1838 (2024).

[19] DH Wang, etc,,Strain and Electron Doping-Induced In-Plane Spin Orientation at Room Temperature in Single-Layer CrTe2, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 16(22), 28791–28797(2024).

[20] Xu CH, et al., Sodium Ion-Induced Structural Transition on the Surface of a DNA-Interacting Protein,Advanced Sciences,,(2024).


Zhang jia; Zhu jiangrui; Li gang; Li yunliang*; 中红外光谱的室温多通道可见光探测器全谱测量,2017-11-1,中国,201711155568.0.