题目: Determining Carrier-Envelope Phase of Relativistic Laser Pulses via Electron Momentum Distribution or radiated X-ray spectra
The impacts of the carrier-envelope phase (CEP) of a long relativistic tightly-focused laser pulse on the dynamics of a counter-propagating electron beam or radiated X-ray spectra have been investigated in the, so-called, electron reflection regime. The electrons are reflected at the rising edge of the laser pulse due to the ponderomotive force of the focused laser beam, and an asymmetric electron angular distribution or X-ray spectra emerge along the laser polarization direction, which sensitively depends on the CEP of the driving laser pulse for weak radiative stochastic effects. The CEP signatures are observable at laser intensities of the order or larger than 10^19 W/cm^2 and the pulse duration up to 10 cycles. The CEP detection resolution is proportional to the electron beam density and can achieve approximately 0.1 degree at an electron density of about 10^15 cm^-3. The method is applicable for currently available ultraintense laser facilities with the laser peak power from tens of terawatt to multi-petawatt region.
栗建兴教授,2006年和2011年分别于河北师范大学和南开大学获得本科和博士学位;2011年9月至2017年8月在德国马克斯普朗克核物理研究所Christoph H. Keitel教授领导的量子力学与量子电动力学课题组从事博士后研究,2017年9月受聘于西安交通大学“青年拔尖人才支持计划”,任教授。主要研究基于超短超强激光脉冲的强场QED效应及其应用,主要研究基于超短超强激光脉冲的强场QED效应及其应用,并且,已经取得了一系列重要成果:研究发现了强场QED关键基础科学问题之一的“辐射量子效应”的光谱特征,并提出了简单易行的实验探测方案;提出了利用非线性康普顿散射直接产生高亮度阿秒伽玛射线光源和大角动量涡旋伽玛射线光源,丰富了新型伽玛射线光源产生途径;(3)针对当前拍瓦激光脉冲基本参量之一的载波相位无法探测这一关键科学问题,提出了基于辐射X射线光谱的探测方案。近五年来在PRL上发表论文4篇,其他期刊十余篇。
邀请人:李玉同 研究员(Tel:82648014)
联系人:陆 凌 研究员(Tel:82649203)