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作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2016-04-19 16:38:00

题目:Proximity enhanced superconductor superlattices for resonators

报告人:Prof. Guoxing Miao(Institute for Quantum Computing,Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,University of Waterloo, Waterloo ON, Canada)


Superconductors are of critical importance in many solid state devices, because their extremely low electrical loss in microwave transport can largely maintain the desired information integrity. For example, high quality factor superconductor resonators are widely used in quantum processors to store coherent quantum information. We engineer a superconductor sandwich structure to combine the desired properties from different materials, and achieve better results than each of them on its own. Materials with higher Q factors are kept on the surfaces, where most of the microwave flows; whereas materials with stronger critical temperature and critical field are used as the core to boost the surface properties through proximity effect.Our goal is to enhance the resonators for them to function well even in magnetic fields, around 3500 Oe - the typical choice for electron spin resonance (ESR), such that the resonators can also manipulate electron spins for quantum information.


Prof. Miao has been an assistant professor at the Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Waterloo since 2011. He received his BSc from Shandong University in 1999, and PhD from Brown University in 2006. He then proceeded as a Postdoctoral Associate and later on promoted to Research Scientist at the Francis Bitter Magnet Laboratory at MIT. Prof. Miao’s research focuses on a particular aspect of the electrons – their spin degrees of freedom. His team construct spin-based nanoelectronic (a.k.a., spintronic) devices with improved performances and scalability by taking advantage of the interplay between a few fundamental spin systems: magnetism, superconductivity, and the topological spin state. The program has a strong emphasis on the development of novel materials, in search for an ideal platform that will take us to an era beyond silicon. Prof. Miao has published more than 50 papers, including Nature, Nature Materials, Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters, etc.



邀请人:金奎娟 研究员 (Tel:82648099)


联系人:金奎娟 研究员(Tel:82648099)


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