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作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2015-10-23 20:20:00
题目: Hybridplasmonics waveguides for light nanofocusing

报告人:Dr. Sylvain BLAIZE, Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Instrumentation and Optics, ICD CNRS UMR 6281. University of Technology of Troyes, France


Focusing of lightwave beyond the diffraction limit has been enabled through the nearfield localization at the metal-dielectric boundary in plasmonic structures. Recent research efforts have been dedicated to utilizing the plasmonicnano-localization capability for nanofocusing of lightwaves.  Lightwavenanofocusing is critically important in applications that involves light-matter interaction such as sensing, trapping, and optical tweezing. In this contribution, we report a plasmonic light concentrator integrated on silicon photonic waveguides for operation at 1550 nm. We discuss the design, implementation, and nearfield characterization of a structure consisting of a  plasmonic gold nanotaper for adiabatic focusing of the lightwave from an on-chip waveguide structure. We show how the modes evolve and couple from the guided modes to nearfield modes of the nanotaper. We present a comprehensive theoretical analysis and simulation of these devices. Furthermore the use of apertureless NSOM in scattering and its complementary perturbation modes to measure directly the local electric field along the plasmonicconcentator. The details of the experiments, along with the limits on the nearfield measurements are discussed. The experimental results are compared with the simulation results to draw helpful insights.


Sylvain Blaize (41) received the master degree in Physics in 1998 and the PhD degree in Optics, Optoelectronics and Microwave in 2001 from the "Institut National Polytechnique de grenoble", France. Since 2002, he works at Laboratory of Nanotechnolgoy and Optical Instrumentation in University of Technology of Troyes, France, as an Associate Professor. He was first in charge for the development of a scanning near field optical microscope with interferometric heterodyne detection. Then his activity was focused on advanced nano-characterization of photonics integrated circuits.His current research includes micro optical spectrometers for sensing applications, and plasmonic nanostructured waveguides for compact integrated photonic circuits. He has authored and co-authored more than 60 international publications, and 4 patents.



联系人:金奎娟 研究员 (Tel:82648099)

邀请人:丁伟 副研究员 (Tel:82649427)


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