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作者:佚名  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2015-10-23 19:45:00
题目:Temporal imaging with squeezed light

报告人 :Prof.Mikhail I. Kolobov(Laboratoire PhLAM, Université Lille 1, France)


Temporal imaging is a technique that enables manipulation of temporal optical signals in a manner similar to manipulation of optical images in spatial domain. The concept of temporal imaging uses the notion of space-time duality with frequency dispersion of the medium playing the role of diffraction and quadratic phase modulation in time acting as a time lens.

In this talk we shall generalize the scheme of classical temporal imaging to quantum temporal imaging viable for non-classical states of light. As an example, we shall apply our new scheme to temporally broadband squeezed light produced by a travelling-wave optical parametric amplifier, and demonstrate a possibility of noiseless temporal magnification of such light keeping its non-classical properties. In particular, we shall show that one can magnify by a given factor the coherence time of squeezed light and match it to the response time of the photodetector. This feature opens new possibilities for practical applications of our scheme in quantum optics and quantum information.


Mikhail Kolobov received his MSc in physics in 1986, PhD in quantum optics in 1989 both from the University of Leningrad, URSS, and DSc in theoretical physics in 1998 from the University of Essen, Germany. Since 2001 he is professor at the department of physics, University of Sciences and Technologies of Lille, France. His main research interests are in theoretical quantum optics, quantum imaging, and quantum information. He is editor of the book “Quantum Imaging” (Springer, NY, 2006). He was Fulbright Visiting Scholar at Stanford University from February to July, 2012.



联系人:金奎娟 研究员 (Tel:82648099)

邀请人:吴令安 研究员 (Tel:82649334)


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