题目:Benchmarking accurate spectral phase retrieval of single attosecond pulses
报告人:Prof. Chii-Dong Lin(
Distinguished Professor, Associate Director of the J. R. Macdonald Laboratory, Kansas State University)

A single XUV attosecond pulse or pulse train in the time domain is fully characterized if its spectral amplitude and phase are both determined. The spectral amplitude can be easily obtained from photoionization of simple atoms where accurate photoionization cross sections have been measured from, e.g., synchrotron radiations. To determine the spectral phase, at present the standard method is to carry out XUV photoionization in the presence of a dressing infrared (IR) laser. In this work we examine the accuracy of current phase retrieval methods where the dressing IR is relative weak such that photoelectron spectra can be accurately calculated by second-order perturbation theory. We suggest a general PRAB (Phase Retrieval of Attosecond Bursts) method which utilizes accurate one-photon and two-photon dipole transition matrix elements. We show that the PRAB method can in general retrieve accurate spectral phase compared to other simpler models that have been suggested.
Prof. Chii-Dong Lin
Title: Distinguished Professor
Associate Director of the J. R. Macdonald Laboratory
Kansas State University
Education and experience:
B. S. National Taiwan University, 1969
Ph. D. University of Chicago, 1974 (mentor: Ugo Fano)
Postdoc: Harvard Univeristy, Center for Astrophysics (mentor: Alex Dalgarno)
Professor, Kansas State University, 1984-Present
University Distinguished Professor, 1990-present
Fellow, American Physical Society, 1986
Distinguished Visiting Scholar, RIKEN, Japan, 1995
Olin Petefish award –Higuchi-KU endowment 2010
A FAST Fellow; ETH, Switzerland, 2012
A JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) visiting Fellow, 2012
Research Expertise on diverse subfields of AMO Physics:
• Proposed a new set of quantum numbers for describing the correlation and classification of doubly excited states and triply excited states of atoms
• One of the pioneers in using hyperspherical coordinates for studying three-body systems
• Established theories for low-energy and medium-energy ion-atom collisions
• Originator of the molecular tunneling ionization theory (MO-ADK) and of the quantitative rescattering (QRS) theory in strong field physics, as well as laser-induced electron diffraction (LIED) for dynamic imaging of molecules.
About 400 refereed papers, five review articles and about 10,000 citations. 600 citations per year, SCI H-index=47.
联系人:魏志义 研究员 (Tel:82648115)
金奎娟 研究员 (Tel:82648099)