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作者:本站  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2014-07-15 21:32:00

题目Advanced Hybrid Plasmonics

报告人:Prof. Renaud BACHELOT(Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Instrumentation and Optics, ICD CNRS UMR 6281, University of Technology of Troyes, France)
The field of hybrid plasmonics has made significant contributions to our understanding of interactions between metals and other materials in the sub-wavelength regime. The metal nanostructure that supports surface plasmons can be combined with other materials such as semiconductors and organic dyes. Such a hybrid configuration benefits from the different properties of each of its constituents for fascinating applications such as biological and chemical sensing, and tunable plasmonics.
Based on nanoscalephotopolymerization triggered by the surface plasmon modes, we developed metal nanoparticle/doped-polymer hybrid nanostructures. Due to the anisotropic spatial distribution of the plasmon mode during photopolymerization, this nano-structure is anisotropic in both geometry and optical responses. We will present three potential applications of this approach: playing with the in-plane symmetry at the nanoscale, probing and quantifying the plasmonic near-field intensity, iii) developing new anisotropic nano-emitters where the active medium match the plasmonic mode in terms of spatial overlap. In the last case, the trapped dye molecules in the hybrid nanostructure display fluorescence that are dependent upon the polarization of the incident excitation light. This nano-emitter further allows the selection of different emission modes by controlling the polarization of the incident light.
Renaud BACHELOT is a 45-year-old full professor of physics at the University of Technology of Troyes (UTT, France) that he joined in 1996 after graduate studies and PhD at the University of Paris 7. His area of expertise includes nano-optics, near-field optics, nanophotonics, local light/polymer interaction, scanning probe microscopy, nano-optoelectronics and plasmonics. At UTT, RB is the head of the Laboratory of Nanotechnology, Instrumentation and Optics involving more than 90 people. He is also the vice-president of the UTT scientific board. His national and international influence lies on activities such as (e. g.) one-year stay in Argonne National Laboratory (USA), a Tan Chin Tuan Fellowship at the Nangyang Techonological University (Singpore), board member of the French Society of Physics (SFP), evaluation committee member of the French agency for research and expert for the National Observatory for Micro-Nano Technologies (OMNT). RB published more than 100 articles (H=26), 6 patents and 10 book chapters.
联系人:丁伟  副研究员 (Tel:82649340)
             金奎娟 研究员   Tel:82648099)
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