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作者:本站  来源:本站整理  发布时间:2012-09-13 16:34:00
题目:Biophotonics - Laser tweezers Raman spectroscopy and microscopy for characterization of cellular dynamics and heterogeneity of single living cells
报告人:Dr. Yong-qing Li(East Carolina University, Department of Physics, Greenville, NC 27858, USA)
Noninvasive monitoring and real-time analysis of dynamic processes of single living cells play an essential role to the understanding of the structures and functions of biomolecules within individual cells and their heterogeneity. In this talk, new biophotonics techniques for optical analysis, imaging and manipulation of single cells under physiological conditions will be presented, including single-trap and multiple-trap laser tweezers and Raman spectroscopy, in combination with phase contrast & fluorescence microscopy and microfluidic devices. Optical trap allows individual cells to be immobilized by near-infrared laser beams in solution and analyzed by Raman spectroscopy in real-time. Multifocus confocal Raman spectroscopy allows analysis of multiple individual cells simultaneously. We show the applications of these techniques for monitoring dynamic processes of germination and wet-heat inactivation of single Bacillus spores, kinetic uptake of nucleic acid stains during germination of individual spores, rapid identification of microorganisms, Raman sorting of single living cells and single chromosomes, and biomedical diagnosis of human cells. Very slow germination of individual superdormant spores is also monitored. New biological insights were obtained by using these biophotonics tools.
Dr. Yong-qing Li简介:
黎永青博士, 1983年毕业于中山大学物理系, 1989年获中科院上海光机所物理学博士学位. 1989-1992年为中科院上海光机所助理研究员, 副研究员. 1992-99年分别在德国马普量子光学研究所, 澳大利亚堪培拉大学及美国阿肯色大学做博士后. 1999-04年为美国东卡罗莱纳大学助理教授, 2005-10年为副教授, 2011年至今为终身教授. 1991年曾获中科院青年科学家奖. 2000年 获美国Oak Ridge大学联合会Ralph E.Powe 青年教授奖”. 黎永青教授主要从事生物光子学, 生物医学光学工程, 原子相干效应, 非经典光场产生及应用等研究, 曾在著名学术期刊(包括Anal Chem., J Bacteriol, PRL, APL, Opt Lett, 等)及重要国际学术会议发表论文160余篇.在国际上首先发明单细胞光镊拉曼光谱技术, 并成功应用于研究溶液中单个活体细胞的生命过程,特别是细菌孢子的萌发过程中的基本现象,微生物的识别和分选, 肿瘤细胞及人类单个染色体的分析和检测等. 2003年国际激光和光电子学会(CLEO)将其作为本年度的三项重要新技术之一举行了专题新闻发布会. Nat. Prot
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