题目:Quantum coherence in atomic ensembles and beyond
报告人:Dr. Xiao Yanhong(Harvard University,USA)
Qauntum communication promises to be a fundamentally secure way to transport information. However, it is very challenging to physically implement required elements, due to interactions between quantum states and the environment which causes loss of entanglement and coherence. Currently, it is a topic of great interest to understand and control such loss, and to explore new ways to efficiently manipulate a quantum system. In this talk, I will give a few examples of our recent research in this area: a new spectral line narrowing mechanism: diffusion-induced Ramsey narrowing; a coherent slow light beamsplitter based on random classical motion of atoms; coherence in noise.
Dr. Xiao Yanhong 简介:
Yanhong Xiao received her B.S. and M.S. degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University in 1998, 2000, and her Ph.D. in applied physics from Harvard University in 2004. Since then, she has been a postdoctoral researcher in Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics. Her research interests include physical implementation of quantum memory for light and other elements for quantum communication, atomic clocks, magnetometers and sub-wavelength optical imaging.
联系人:吴令安 研究员(Tel:82649334)
金奎娟 研究员(Tel:82648099)